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3DS Virtual Console Delivers The Classics

by Matt Miller on Mar 02, 2011 at 07:11 AM

As the Wii did for older console games, the 3DS will let you play some of the great portable games of yesteryear.

Nintendo announced today a bunch of new information about the 3DS. Hidden away in the information was a little tidbit that should be welcome news for fans of old-school portable games.

Players will be able to purchase downloadable classic games to play on their 3DS Virtual Console, and the available games will be culled from the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Gear portable systems. There will also be TurboGrafx-16 games available on the service. The 3DS Virtual Console is expected to launch at the end of May. Unfortunately, there have no details about what specific games will be made available.

Of additional interest are plans to take select classic video games and remaster them to play in 3D. Beyond that, all the games currently available on the DSiWare service will be also be for sale on the 3DS. Nintendo also says that the system will also have an Internet browser.

What do you think? Would you replay Super Mario Land on your 3DS if given the option? Maybe you can play that second Metroid game you never got around to.