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Weekend Warrior 10/01/10

by Annette Gonzalez on Oct 01, 2010 at 02:00 PM

Read on to find out what we're doing this weekend, then head over to the comments section and share your plans!

Andy: Almost done with Season 4 of The Wire (I'm late I know), and if I don't finish it this weekend I can't get to all the games I want to play. I may have to take a break or two for Firefight mode Halo: Reach along the way, however.

Reiner: I'm going to be a good father this weekend. I'm going to gift my daughter with a gigantic teddy bear and a shot of Zombrex. When I'm not at her side, I'll likely be eating hot dogs out of trash cans. It should be a good weekend.

Jeff C: I’m holding down the news shift this weekend, which means I’ll have to be tethered to my home. On the plus side, that just so happens to be where my games are located. Win! I’m planning on playing a ton of Dead Rising 2, some Front Mission Evolved and then, if my fingers haven’t fallen off, a little Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. It was a bold move to take the series the direction Neversoft has, and after reading Matt’s review, I have to say I’m intrigued.

Dan: Extremely excited for tonight, as I'll be seeing Louis C.K. live for the third time. His specials are great and his show's first season was pretty awesome, but nothing beats seeing him live. Past that, I see myself working through some more Dead Rising 2 and Enslaved, and possibly finishing off the last mission in Starcraft II. After that, I'll be heading out on a trip for an upcoming preview. It's a good Sunday to be traveling considering it's the Vikings' and Chiefs' bye weeks, so I won't be missing anything.

Jeff M: This week I finally beat the original BioShock, and I'm ready to try something completely different. I know I should really go back to Mass Effect 2 and finish that one off as well, but all this Dead Rising 2 talk makes me want to dive back into the original game for some more zombie killing (I never finished Dead Rising, either). Whatever game I end up playing solo, I'll also get in a little more co-op time in Halo: Reach with some of the other staff -- Legendary is stupidly difficult.

Tim: I've secured Jeff Cork's extra copy of Dead Rising 2, so let the bloody games begin. I've learned from the ways of my past and I'm not even going to think about completing the story missions until I reach a decent level. Turns out that will be easy, though, because killing zombies with lightsabers is a lot of fun. I'm peppering in some awesome Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia and Valkyria Chronicles II for good measure. Games!

Sean: I'll continue being lead around Enslaved (agree wholeheartedly with Reiner's review), hopefully finish off Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, start again in Civilization V, and use a lot of duct tape to kill zombies in Dead Rising 2 -- all while cleaning out the garage in preparation for using it a lot during winter. I will also be doing a lot of sleeping now that we are nearing the end of preparing the next update to the site. Happy 1 year, GIO 2.0. 

Annette: I'm checking out Louis C.K. tonight with the GI crew so I fully expect to laugh. A lot. After a two-day danceathon at the office for a review game, I will go into full recovery mode the next few days, though there's a dance party going on tomorrow night that I plan on attending provided my legs still work. Aside from that, I'm playing a couple games for review over the weekend and can't say much else about it. :D

Jeff A: No Vikings on this weekend means time to go apple picking! Oh yeah. Get ready honeycrisps, here I come. I also plan on getting back into Darksiders and sneaking some time with Chrono Trigger. I'm woefully behind, as per usual.

That's it for us! What are you up to this weekend?