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Weekend Warrior 09/03/10

by Annette Gonzalez on Sep 03, 2010 at 02:00 PM

Labor Day weekend is among us! We'll be playing games. You probably will, too. Tell us what you're playing over the holiday in the comments section below.

Reiner: I've been in this industry for 18 years and I have never been a part of an industry panel (cue supportive "ahhh" sounds). That changed today! As you read this, I'll be talking out of my ass about the input I have in creating a cover at Game Informer's "How Do We Create a Cover" panel at Penny Arcade. Once this is concluded I'm going to check out Dragon Age 2, and whatever other games pique my interest.

Bertz: Since this is my last weekend before the start of the NFL season, I'll be jam packing as much gaming as possible into Sunday. I'm halfway through Alan Wake, so I hope to wrap it up in between games of NHL 11 (early copy FTW!). I've also been meaning to return to Dragon Age to polish off the final few hours.

Bryan: I’m playing the hell out of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Nothing satisfies like a puzzle solved!

Tim: With Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story, I turn my sights on Valkyria Chronicles II. My PSP will be getting some oft-neglected attention in the coming months with this awesome strategy game. On top of that I’m playing Resistance: Retribution, so my PSP is extra happy. I also downloaded Dead Rising: Case Zero, which has been a blast so far. Pepper in some Scott Pilgrim and you’ve got a weekend, buster.

Annette: I may have a fun review game to play this weekend provided it comes in on time. Otherwise it's time to employ my back up plan (never goes as planned) which is to spend some more time with Gears and Red Dead. I'd also like to check out Minerva's Den (BioShock 2 DLC) and the Vanquish demo.

Dan: My sister is on a bus up from Kansas as I type this, so I’m looking forward to showing her around the GI offices, playing Scott Pilgrim and Shank, and seeing Machete with her.

Meagan: I'll be keeping an eye on the pulse at PAX this weekend, but if I have time to squeeze in a few games, polishing off Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is in order. Instead of making any actual progress, I spent last night running over zombies with the motorcycle cart to get my 1000 kills. Now it's time to get serious. I also downloaded some Virtual Console titles on the Wii (Super Metroid, Devil's Crush) that I intend to spend some quality time with. Lastly, I've been clued into an Xbox Indie game called Inferno that I plan to give a whirl. So many games, so little time.

Sean: Three-day weekend! Too bad I don’t have anything special planned for it. I plan to beat Alan Wake, that has to count, I guess. Could also play Valkyria Chronicles 2, Puzzle Quest 2, Mafia II, and maybe some other sequel...

Jeff M: I actually managed to beat a game last weekend -- Resistance -- and this week I hope to beat another one -- BioShock. I thought I was just about done in Rapture when I found out what the hell "Would you kindly?" meant, but the game kept on going. So I'll keep on playing.

That's it for us! What are you up to this weekend?