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sdcc 2010

Isaac Clarke's Greatest Dead Space 2 Death Sequence Revealed

by Annette Gonzalez on Jul 24, 2010 at 11:45 AM

At San Diego Comic-Con we got a chance to ask Ian Milham, art director of the Dead Space franchise, one question. We asked who or what will deliver Isaac Clarke to his tomb in the most amazing way. The answer is shocking.

Milham says Isaac can be killed by Nicole. Wait, what?

Nicole Brennan was Isaac's girlfriend and chief medical officer on the Ishimura. She's also dead. During the Dead Space Comic-Con panel, we see Nicole make an appearance in Dead Space 2 during unfinished gameplay footage and we're told she will play a huge role in the game. She and Isaac have an intense confrontation where she's telling him that he needs to let her go. He says, "You're not real. You can't hurt me!" To which she replies "Wrong." Wrong indeed. Isaac can be killed by his own imagination, Milham says, whenever he encounters the ghost of Nicole. On the bright side Isaac will be able to escape during a quick time event.

This is just one of many in the "parade of gruesome deaths," explains Milham.