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The Force Is With PlayStation Home

by Joe Juba on Feb 18, 2010 at 09:01 AM

Remember PlayStation Home? Well, LucasArts does. Today the publisher released a batch of Star Wars-themed items for use in Sony's online community.

While Xbox Live users have had the privilege of spending their hard-earned money on novelty lightsabers and costumes for their avatars, now PS3 owners can also get a little closer to that galaxy far, far away. LucasArts is releasing a variety of items for purchase – some you can wear, one you can wield, and others that will spice up your personal space. You can pick them up by visiting Home's LucasArts storefront.

Here's the full list of available items:
Yoda Shirt (for male avatars)
Obi-Wan Kenobi Shirt (for male and female avatars)
Jedi Order Shirt (for male and female avatars)
Indiana Jones Iconic Costume – torso, pants, shoes
Indiana Jones Iconic Costume – hat, hair
Stormtrooper Costume (for male and female avatars)
Imperial Officer Costume (for male and female avatars)
Blue Lightsaber (for male and female avatars)
Jedi Banner (for avatar personal space)
Sith Banner (for avatar personal space)
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Poster (for avatar personal space)

Notice that, if you want to look like Indiana Jones, you have to buy the hat separately from the rest of the ensemble. Also, apparently women don't want to wear Yoda shirts.

Personally, I'm torn between my love for Star Wars and my dislike of buying useless junk. What about you? Are you going to log on to Home to try this stuff out?